Just Wander, My Friends

I just got back from an impromptu road trip up to the Amish-friendly state of Ohio - visited friends, caught a cool band, and checked out the equal parts horrifying and endearing Troll Hole Museum in Alliance. I get ancy when I’m in one place for too long - it’s in my DNA to wander - and every week or so I have to go, well, somewhere. 

The wonderful thing about a road trip is it removes you from your routines and anything that might dull your senses. It’s just you, alone with your thoughts, trundling down the lonesome highway, your stresses much more glaring because there are no distractions. It’s a beautiful thing - I burn cleaner on the road, think more clearly, and appreciate the world's so much more than whatever debris’s in my immediate orbit. Over-thought, unsent emails magically coalesce, lyrics emerge out of the ether in blissful droplets, and my spirit whispers encouraging things. This is where you live your life, it says. Out here.